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The Fully Alive Collective

Jun 9, 2020

This month, our theme is Belonging. Join Em and Erin S. Lane as they discuss the precious practice of belonging. 

May 7, 2020

Join Em+Callie as they answer your questions on this month's topic, Braving the Wilderness. 

Apr 27, 2020

As we continue to walk through this challenging season together, I knew there was no better guest to bring in this month than my friend Callie Swanlund. Callie is a Brené Brown trained + certified instructor and you're going to love this podcast workshop:
Braving the Wilderness - Lanterns to Guide Us.

If you're feeling...

Apr 8, 2020

Join Em+Jen as they answer your questions on this month's topic, Navigating COVID-19 Induced Uncertainty + Fear.

Mar 28, 2020

I'm putting on my change manager hat from my corporate days as a Vice President of Change Management and Communications, and walking you through the psychology of change + uncertainty, and then giving you tangible tips to make it through this crisis - advice + tips that you're not going to hear or see from other people...