Jun 9, 2020
This month, our theme is Belonging. Join Em and Erin S. Lane as they discuss the precious practice of belonging.
May 7, 2020
Join Em+Callie as they answer your questions on this month's topic, Braving the Wilderness.
Apr 27, 2020
As we continue to walk through this challenging season together,
I knew there was no better guest to bring in this month than my
friend Callie Swanlund. Callie is a Brené Brown trained +
certified instructor and you're going to love this podcast
Braving the Wilderness - Lanterns to Guide Us.
If you're feeling...
Apr 8, 2020
Join Em+Jen as they answer your questions on this month's topic, Navigating COVID-19 Induced Uncertainty + Fear.
Mar 28, 2020
I'm putting on my change manager hat from my corporate days as a Vice President of Change Management and Communications, and walking you through the psychology of change + uncertainty, and then giving you tangible tips to make it through this crisis - advice + tips that you're not going to hear or see from other people...